Daisie-Lyn Fuller

Attached - Daisie-Lyn Fuller

I’m stuck to his side, like glue

He keeps gripping my hand tighter

Trying to hold on for dear life

I’m trapped in his grip

‘They’re attached by the hip’

No, I’m just stuck. Limp.


I’m stuck, a hand groping my neck

Pulling my hair tighter,

Twisting it into knots on a rope

He’s going to kill me right here and now

‘They’re constantly touching, they’re so attached’

No I’m just trapped. Fuck.


I’m stuck in a chokehold, no way to leave

He’s got everything from me, my clothes, money, my DNA

‘Their kids are so cute, so attached to their mum’

Shame she won’t be around much longer.

He doesn’t get to control me

No, I can’t leave them. Shit.