
Beethoven\'s Grave.

There I was in the graveyard,

Walking through the silence,

Appreciating the beauty

And the glory of those who had passed.

And then I came to it,

The grave I was looking for.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Was laying beneath me,

Beneath the beautiful headstone.

I just sat and thought of him.

Thought of all the music he had written.

And that music I had listened to.

Listened to all my long life.

As I sat in the peace I heard a sound,

Heard a sound coming from the grave

It was so strange,

It was music,

Beethoven’s music,

But it was being played backwards,

I just listened and was confused.

A curator from the cemetery walked passed,

I asked him about that strange sound.

He said to me: “Don’t worry, it happens all the time,

It has been happening since eighteen twenty seven,

When he died,

It is Beethoven decomposing!”