Lynn Partridge


I’m sitting on the outside, looking in –
I was once like you.
It seems so long ago now, and yet it’s not.
Yes, I can see myself amongst you,
Yet I’m so different now –
A stranger in your midst.
I feel apart, 
I don’t belong somehow.
I see the mistakes you’re making -
The same mistakes I made - it’s all experience –
You’ll learn how hard life can be.
Yet in my own way I muddled through
(And I’m sure you will too);
But confusion linger on,
There are still many things I don’t understand.
I can see where I went wrong, 
And I want to turn the clock ‘back’,
To live my life again –
Alas no! We all learn the hard way.
As you in time will see –
It’s better that way, 
Though it seems so unfair now.
You are all so firm and adamant. 
Arguing like mad – yet with few reasons
To support you and your opinions.
This is not criticism –
You’re just learning –
Believe me, 
I’ve been through it, and I know.
Given time you’ll find foundations,
On which you can build for the rest of your lives.
You’ll have beliefs and opinions. 
Which no-one will deny you.
You’ll be steadfast and sure.
Ready to face the future,
Armed with knowledge,
That will keep on growing –
Adults – sensible and responsible,
The future world.
But while you are young –
Enjoy yourselves,
Have fun,
Live your lives for the moment!
(There’s enough time to be serious).
Be young while you can.
It’s the best tine of your life.
(Though perhaps you don’t know it).
These are the times you will look back on
As life passes you by –
So, get on with living
And together we’ll remember the good times we’ve had.