
Building pressure....ready to implode



Sweat ridden, muscle aching, body clutching...


He watches intently...

Never asking permission, he stares, and waits..for me to melt.

He\'s rough, but never violent.... demanding.

He\'s on the brink, shoving me into sheets, as I claw at his skin... watching our hips as he pushes me further.... further....further...

Even when I lay undone...a mess and shaken.... he doesn\'t let up....won\'t let go..

Pleasuring us both beyond repair... beyond rememberance...


I forget my reflection...all I remember is him...his name...his face..

The patterns of his skin...the depth in his mind...

Choke me....yet...make me scream...

I\'ll obey... Submit and crumble...

Take my touch....force my tongue from my lips... through yours...


Rock my figure and mold me...mold me to your shape....

I crave it...the pressure...the pleasure...


Make me beg for it...

Watch me whimper and I writhe beneath.... trying to make you move...



Plunge further once more....drown me in ecstacy....


When you\'re done...and you\'ve watched our pleasure leak from me....


Have you been satisfied?...or will you tie me down for more..?