Lynn Partridge

Church (an opinion)

I have no time for church
And all it stands for -
Whatever that may be?
Our churches are barely half filled with 
So-called Christians!
But what are they really?
Hypocrites. Cynics.
Hateful people who don’t give a toss!
All they care about is themselves.
They don’t care about the people they hurt
With their hypocrisy and cynicism.
They don’t care about
Being two-faced - it suits them.
Perhaps the people in our churches
Should take more notice of the 
Kind, sympathetic, unselfish
Real genuine people
In the outside world.
If you ask me
They are the true Christians of this world.
They know how to help others.
They know how to be unselfish.
They don’t deal in lies
And deceit wrapped up as 
Religion and being a Christian.
Religion? What is that?
Going to church because you have to?
Following the same boring old routine
Because it’s expected?
Going through the motions
Of this supposedly ‘exclusive club’
For people who like to think they are genuine!
Where is God in all this mess?
(If there is such a thing!)
Why does He let people behave like this?
Why don’t people genuinely care anymore?
I do. 
I’m angry and bitter at this moment in time.
Perhaps I don’t really mean what I say?
But right now, this is how I feel.
The church has nothing to offer me.
No comfort. No strength. No love.
There is nothing here for me –
Except emptiness.