
Mother Knows

Mother Knows


The pendulum swings to and fro.

As the hour advances, the clock shows

that the time for rest is drawing nigh.

Mother blinks; a knowing sigh

leaves her lips. She reflects,

whilst shadows dance from crazed insects,

flitting round the subdued light;

as if, their very survival might

depend upon the power akin.

Mother smiles: she knows within.


She feels the passion of the moth,

as she halts the stitching on the cloth.

The dainty frock in vivid blue,

soon to envelop her infant new.

An unborn babe, yet to arrive,

still, mother knows and contrives,

to vest her child in fitting dress.

Her instinct sound, she’ll not guess,

her issue’s being. Well, she knows,

what Nature tells her, as it grows.


When the babe is born, Mother knows,

how her new life role goes.

The needs of one so meek and mild

are lodged within and reconciled.

With her love and steadfast care,

she dedicates her life to share,

her mind, her soul and faithful heart,

with one from whom she’ll never part.

With one she’ll forge a bond so rare,

Mother knows she’ll always care.


As her offspring thrive and grow,

through life’s barbed pathways they must go.

With tender heart and loving care,

all their traumas she will share.

Facing their troubles as her own foes,

she cossets her kin; thus, she knows,

all tribulations yet to appear.

In eternal support and cherishing dear

her children’ lives, thus from the wings,

she awaits what Destiny brings.


The years pass, mother grows old.

Her sweet counsel is such to behold.

Her babes full grown and far away,

Yet, mother sits and always prays.

her love will forever touch,

her children’s’ souls just as much

as when from her arms they soon arose.

She raised them proudly; now she knows.

her life’s complete. As Nature willed,

Mother knows her call is fulfilled.


The pendulum swings again a time.

A tardy hour! The clock then chimes.

Mother smiles and surveys the night.

She gently reflects through fading sight.

Images still clear and yet she knows,

before she adjourns to seek repose.

Once more with a knowing sigh,

she proudly recalls her purpose high.

Mother knows then in her heart,

what God intended should be her part.



Jay George 2023