Peter Gates

Was 7 Below Today


I got up, why I don’t know,

At 1 am, looked out at snow.

Stood there with furrowed brow

Concerned that it was colder now.

Turned on the Weather Channel quick.

What I heard then made me sick.

I hated him, the Goddamn prick.

With science and guesswork that dick

With a smile then let me know,


Goddamn, it was cold,

Was 7 below.


As my wont when I get up

With cigarette, full coffee cup,

Left the house all bundled up.

Lit cigarette, sipped from my cup,

And in the cold, dark morning fair

I took a breath as I stood there.

Goddamn! Then realized I did not care

For cold, dark and icy morning air.

Again cursed the guy who let me know,


Goddamn, it was cold,

Was 7 below.


Someone said that I must leave

On this the eve of Christmas Eve.

Get out of town, don’t cry or grieve,

Go somewhere warm where you can breathe.

But inside me my conscience plead

\"Don’t leave me and home in fear and dread,

For if you leave you’ll be surely dead\",

Is what that voice inside me said.

Stayed I, again cursed he who let me know,


Goddamn, it was cold,

Was 7 below.