

When two hearts beat on sync,

Your words come easy and you don\'t have to think,

Of what to say, there\'s no uncomfortable silence,

There\'s no question of being on the fence,

When two hearts beat as one,

You enjoy every moment together,and put each other second to none,

Just being together is exciting,

And looking in each other\'s eyes are so inviting,

When two heart beat in sync,

There is definitely an undeniable link,

It physically hurts to be apart,

And when you are together again your heart does a little restart,

When your hearts join once again, you feel complete,

Knowing that you won\'t let each other fall or fall to defeat,

You lift one another up and encourage each other\'s dreams,

Helping to achieve the best life you can together without tearing apart at the seams,

When two hearts beat in sync,

You never want to miss a moment, not even wanting to blink.