

I\'m here again

The sneaky little poem behind your ear again

Hiding in the back of your mind

I think you\'ll find me when you try to sleep

As I gently creep my way into your consciousness.


I\'m here again

That awesome poem you can\'t recall again

Making its way as you fall to sleep

As you fall deep into slumber

I\'ll be gone soon as a number of other thoughts take my place.


I\'m here again

You\'ll never quite catch me when I dissappear again

Only in your mind as you sleep

Never to reap the reward of the written word

Never to be heard.


I never heard him again

My favorite poem I can never see again

Only ever visit in my sleep back then

Only when I sleep would it creep and make me aware it was there

Only there where I could not reach it

Would never preach it

Would never write it down

It\'s not around, it did not take root

This, is just a tribute.