
The Parade


The soldier marched, erect, resolute.

A child followed mourning, inconsolable.

The child gazed at the throng assembled.

to honour the father. Slowly faces emerged.

An army of souls, familiar and tender.

Love radiated in waves from the gathering.

Steadily, the soldier proceeded into shimmering light.

The throng drew inwards: comrades stood in salute.


The light beamed brighter and warmer.

As the soldier marched steadfastly onwards,

the commanding officer emerged veiled in brilliance.

The soldier ascended the podium towards his destiny.


The serenity grew. The child realised he was in the

presence of a Great Spirit in a limitless hall.

Amid tranquillity and benevolence,

the soldier passed the threshold into eternity.

The child halted, lost in despair.

As he pondered, the Spirit spoke in resonant tone,

‘If you have need, think of him. He will come and serve.

you as he has well served me.’ 



Jay George (2023)