
Battle Worn.

Laser beam vision with accurate precision, with an unshakable focus, a blazing inferno in Her Heart and Soul, ice water in Her veins, lightning in her fists, scathed armour on from battles She has fought before, Sword in hand, not just any sword not single edged, but double edged, one edge knowledge one edge wisdom, and Truth straight down the middle, She bows down upon one knee as She has done many times before as She prepares for battle, and as She rises She does so with thunder in Her feet as She steps onto the battlefield unafraid of the Fray that\'s before Her, the sound of a thousand warriors shaking in their armour swords bashing and beating upon their shields, Sword drawn, set to strike at the dawning of the light, She continues the battle well into the cold dark night, with Heaven\'s Gates at Her back and Hells Flames in front of Her, She NEVER relinquishes the fight, no not this one not Her, She is a Warrior Born and Bred and She Refuses to go gently into that good night. #MY Truth, From the Corner in which I lie.