Lynn Partridge


The things I feel most deeply,

Are the hardest things to say.

I don’t know how to tell you

Just what it means to me,

To know that you are so close at hand

But oh so far away.

Since I met you

My life has changed – not dramatically

But somehow things just aren’t the same.

I miss you vey much,

Now you’re not around.

I think in you I found a soul-mate.

Without you I am a little bit lost.

You gave new meaning to my life.

You helped me believe in myself . . .

And valued what I had to offer.

You were not pretentious,

Just kind and caring and understanding.

I feel I have known you forever . . .

But I don’t really know you at all –

You’re still somewhat of a mystery to me.

I opened my heart and soul to you,

And you left me feeling vulnerable

And unsecure once more.

I fear rejection from you –

I don’t know how to deal with the feeling I have for you

Feelings that run very deep and are very strong.

I’ve never felt like this before about anyone –

Am I wrong to feel this way?

I know you don’t need me like I need you.

Your friendship means so much.

I think of you often and wish I could talk to you.

I wish I could hold you close once more

Your ‘hugs’ made me feel

Safe. Secure.

It was like ‘coming home’.

I remember our many conversations

Some of them word-for-word.

I remember those ‘precious’ times

Which we shared with no-one else.