

For a long time I gazed unwaveringly

Into the abyss of my tattered faith

I felt bound by rules of how it should be

Yet how it turned out to be in reality

I felt betrayed by the choice I made

Feeling fate play with my life

Those themes and wishes have become ashes scattered all over

Each time I felt that I grasped on the wisps of truth

I was tortured for my naive beliefs

My entire being was mocked upon

For those who never played by rules

They talk in great flare about you

Your presence, how they know you are theirs alone

Yet make such callous action and toxic talks

How can I free myself from this trap

To see life for what it is

Not more not less

Magnificent miracle yet a swirling mess

To choose myself over these garbage

To make peace for my wounds and scars

To grow up from these marshy land

Thrive through the trials of life

Bloom over and over regardless of what may come to be

To have a space to mold yet not to break

To give my best and make the best of it all

To see real priorities over falsities

To burn like a bright camphor till the end