
~Using makeup shouldn\'t hide who you are meant to be , it supposed to express who you are, what you want you want others to see~

my geography, science and sometimes gym I see,

her name I cannot say, lets call her V.


You see V has been treated like a queen her whole life,

a beautiful girl who had lots of sweets,

but under that confidence and false beauty,

V is being suffocated with insecurities.


One day lashes, another day nails,

beach waves, pony and sometimes pig tails,

just a negative word about her face,

is all it takes,

to enrage the demons,

that lies and wait

under all the concealer on her face.


s beautiful yet so flawed,

rube with an ugly attitude,

beauty isn\'t all that matters,

there should be a brain under all that glitter.


in the future,

or even know

when you understand the thing that matters the most is not a crown,

I wish I had known always comes last they say,

so change V, now, TODAY!!!.