Lynn Partridge

Gramps in hospital

You sit here alone

Who knows the pain you suffer?

As I watch you I wonder –

What are you thinking?

Why must this be?

I remember the good time we had.

Memories of the past flash by

And I turn away.

But something pulls me back,

I have to look at you, even stare - I don’t know why.

In you face I see misery –

You are in pain (though you won’t admit it).

As I go, I feel drawn to you

And I kiss you –

Something I’ve not  done for along time.

Your response says everything you cannot speak -

The words that don’t come,

The thoughts you don’t utter,

All in that moment.

I have to go.

And, as I turn and walk away

I look back

Expecting to see you following me.

Then I realise,

I’m leaving you behind

I walk away slowly, thinking deeply…..