

Once again I\'m without a home,

At least this time I\'m not alone,

My roommate kicked me out for no reason at all,

I honestly don\'t understand it,but we\'ve heard the call,

The call to up and leave and start anew,

With a new life, a new job, to name a few,

We are leaving town and going somewhere that no one knows,

Watching God to lead us, and see where He shows,

My man and I are in this together now,

Determined to show everyone that we know how,

To make this work, even in the hardest times, that is our reality right now,

Things are being said and done to us that isn\'t ok,

So we will not accept it and are moving away.

No matter what, we will always have each other,

To love and guide and cherish the lives of one another,

So good bye for now, be back when I can,

Going to go start a new life in a new place with my incredible man.