
Why don\'t I believe what I said?

Is it because I lied?


Am I trying to convince myself that

this ridiculous thing is true or 

is it actually true and I’m just

trying to convince myself it’s some ridiculous thing


When did this happen to me?


Or has it always been there and

I’ve just done such a 

good job of covering it up

or faking it or lying to myself or

everyone else



This could go on forever. This 


never ending cycle or spiral of

questions and stresses and

what-ifs and why


But how long will forever be?


Sometimes I forget forever can be 

however long or however short

I want it to be


So why don’t I believe what I said?


It could all be so simple to just


to believe that I said the truth


What I see

What others of value see should

be all I need but the

chaos is calming and I like calming because

I am just way too tired to fight



So I settle in for the cycle

For the spiral for the 


That ensues and I’m


and content but really

I’m in chaos

Craving everything I shouldn’t

in life and in love and knowing that I 

give in so much just makes me

crave more

of the chaos and the calm because

I know it and it

feels good and I am the one who should

make myself feel good. Right?


So why don’t I believe what I said?


Because the good is funny in the way it

comes about it

stops you in your tracks and

makes you stop the cycle so you can finally

focus on how do I 

get better


And when this happens

you see that

the chaos is just that.


and it is not calm and I am 

not content

but instead I am settling

for an existence I 

didn’t create myself

But I myself create

the ability to make beautiful this



An existence with 

more beauty

and less chaos.



and believing what I said