Robert Isaacs Chiwala

My Little Wild Dove

He or she I don\'t know

What it really was

All I know it was so wonderful

It would had grew bigger by now


At first it never trusted me

Like it was afraid of me

That I would prey on it

So, it pecked my hand whenever I touched it


I tied a long string on its leg

And I trimmed it\'s wings

It was just too wonderful -to lose

So I had to be double sure


It looked more nervous, maybe sad

When I am caressing its back or head

It did not like to be treated as a doveling

It was not that young, though still growing


We were starting to get along

When I began to trust and respect it

I would leave it free in the house

And it would roam about to find water and food


We had lived for few days

I would leave it free in the house

Then certain day somebody left the door open

Hopefully it wanted to bask in the sun


Maybe just to look at the sky

Maybe to perch on the tree branch

But then it could not fly

Maybe it would not locate its way back in


There was no fence probably a road near

Maybe passer-by took it -a prisoner

Maybe it met a predator -though no trace

When I came, I never found it