John Lee

A Letter From A Villain

The villain never mattered until society held captive his innocence.

It\'s easy to point and judge him for all he is while they portray as innocent.


The attention he ever received was only greeted with punishment.

He wear his sins on his sleeve so society can hide theirs under it.


They need him so they bleed him of all his good.

Fire em up without knowing what they\'ve created under the hood.


They fear him so they\'ll kill him as if they could.

So here comes a hero with his fake face on sin under a hood.


The villain is the one that\'s truly real in, this world of insanity, shameful righteous vanities. 

So he says..


Thank you father, thank you mother, thanks to all that ever said they\'ve loved me.

Thanks for creating me, a villain and I\'m so glad to be, free from all the hypocrisy.


It\'s got to be so terrifying. 

That any day you could be exposed in any way of the terror you\'re hiding. 


I will.. be your.. hero.

Just point at me and I promise they\'ll never see 

The lies.. you hide.. in me.

I\'ll smile for you. 

Even put on the cape of shame so you won\'t have to.

Yeah I shine for you.


Yes I do.. I do it for you.

It\'s everything you ever wanted me to be.

I\'m so glad I get to be it, you see. I\'m the one that\'s really free.. 


I take pleasure in pain and I\'d do it again.

I\'d do it for you

I have nothing to gain but I\'ll cover your stains.

Yes it\'s all for you.


Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

If you come down they\'ll just make a villain of you too.


They\'ll praise you then hate all that you\'ve tried to save.

Then blame you when they\'re not your choice on the last day.


Rejected by society

Projected that it\'s all I\'ll be

And I\'d be it again

Yours truly, a villain