
Glass Flat Sea

Look across the glass-flat sea

The calm, blue sea.

Calmness is all you\'ll find.

And yet the ship,

Oh, the ship!

It looks like it\'s being crushed!

What\'s going on?

How can this be?

Well let\'s take a look beneath the calm blue sea.

The peace is shattered,

Swirling tides!

Grief, pain, hurt, hate...

How was this hidden,

(So cleverly, I might add)

Beneath the calm glass sea?

No, a better question would be,

How is the boat still there,

Atop the swirling tides?

How has it not yet been bashed ageist the rocky shore?

The currents of hate and pain and grief. the hurt and the loneliness

And the fish,

Oh, the un-trusting fish.

The sad, lonely, un-trusting fish.

Afraid to become attached to anyone or anything.

The pore, sad fish that will do nothing but run away.

How is this all possible,

Beneath the glass flat sea?