Lynn Partridge

I remember when . . . . .

I remember when . . . . .

Life was uncomplicated,

Things fitted naturally into place –

No questions asked,

No confusion . . . . .

I’ve grown up since then.

Become an adult –

In stature,

Though perhaps not in outlook

And attitude?


I remember when . . . . .

I was a child

And adulthood seemed a milestone

So far away,

Never to be reached . . . . .

Now I have finally reached that ‘unattainable’ milestone

I long for my childhood again.

But there are things I would change.

Then, I thought

I had love and care and understanding.

As I grew up,

I became aware that

The love was very selfish love.

The care was conditional care

The understanding was never there when I need it.

I remember the crisis points in my life –

And there was nothing and  nobody there . . . . .

So I lived in a state of total confusion.

A real ‘mixed-up kid\'!

My emotions were like a whirlpool,


Then . . . . .


I remember when  . . . . .

I met you.

At that moment in time

Neither of us knew

How things would turn out.


I remember when. . . . .

You ‘turned the key’,

Unlocked the floodgates of my \'inner self\'

And all hell came pouring out.


“Love is patient, love is kind. . . .

There is nothing that love cannot face,

There is no limit to its faith,

It’s hope, and it’s endurance”.


Gradually, I began to realise

That there was something between us -

Something special.

No words can express or describe

That ‘something special’.


I remember when . . . . .

I found true love and care and understanding.


I remember when . . . . .

Through you . . . . .

I found myself.


I remember when . . . . .