Sassy Lou


How many times am I going to do this to myself  -

Knowing what the outcome will be

Hoping & praying your words you spoke or true this time around

Will it mend, or will it break

Last chance, make it your best yet 

Should have known it was just more rubbish being told

Same lines slithering off your tongue

All I ever did was love you & want only you forever, nothing more

You just let all your demons & your addiction take over

Making up & believing all these insane things to be true

Yet, am I the insane one for doing it over & over, just like before?

Putting me through absolute hell -

Causing so much pain, hurt & tears

I blame you for all of it -

The lies, accusations & such

Shouldn\'t I be mad at myself 

For letting you do it continuously over again

Guess what -

I have an addiction, too

It differs from yours & I didn\'t want to quit or let go

Strange as it seems, my addiction is you

Telling me you can\'t fight this alone & you need my help

Anything I did, it was always wrong 

Time to close that door in my life -

It\'s time I start helping myself