
My Conversation With Fear

When will you leave me?

Living with you is rather difficult.

I want to be free


Trying to kick me out so soon?

I’ve only been here a few years

And I plan to stay until you die.

Where would you be without me?

I’m protecting you, you see?



Please please

Just go away


Ha! “Go away”

That’s cute.

You think you can tell me what to do?

I’m the one in charge.

You will never be loved.

You will never be safe.


That’s not true

I am safe now

WE are safe now

There is no need to be afraid


You think we are safe?

I guess I haven’t done a good enough job eh?

Twisted definition you got there mate.

We are anything but safe.



Stop that.

You’re lying



Accusing much.

I’m protecting you.


Protecting me how?

All you have given me is a list of mental disorders.


My proudest accomplishment.

To think it was all my doing

You should be thanking me


Thanking you?!

You’re the reason I’m missing out on things in my life

You’re the reason I can’t trust anyone!

You’re the reason nobody can give me a hug

You’re the reason–


I’M the reason why you haven’t been hurt again.

That’s right

You’re welcome


Not every person wants to hurt me!

I don’t care what you say

It’s not true

There are still good people out there



You listen to me.

You do what I say.

I am the one in charge.


Not anymore.


You can’t do that.


To get rid of me?


Well I’m going to try.

I’m in charge now.

Fear, you don’t have control in my life anymore






You can try but I will be back.


I will beat you every time

You are not stronger than me

I will always win.