
Foolish Child





…….You know nothing, looking to believe in something; you construct from the fears and anxieties that mold thee, it has reduced you to a flea, a parasite basking in misery. Belief is not knowledge, nor can you master life with pure knowledge, that takes being the knowledge, which could be a challenge, most are too busy being stylish, but I’ll pull up in a old mobile with a lot of mileage, feeling like Bela Lugosi cause I’m surrounded by foolish child after foolish child, so it’s never a good evening, their presence isn’t pleasing, a constant reminder how life be cheating, got innocent live’s fleeting, their parents deserved the beating. A foolish child had a child and it was needy, all because the parents was greedy; had a home but cut corners on structure and spiritual teachings, and now the world is profusely bleeding.