Accidental Poet

Wag More, Bark Less

I swear my dog is

Trying to tell me something

As he looks at me and howls

Prompting me to answering


There I am in conversation

With my dog Satuit

We’re almost out of his cookies

 He looks at me like he knew it


So, I grab the truck keys

“Guess we’re going to the store”

Causing a waging tail

 Knowing he’ll soon have more


Quite often I’ll look at him

To see his tail wagging

If only he could talk

I know a deal he’d be haggling


Always wanting to run and play

Exhausting this old man

I’m not as young as I used to be

Can’t keep up with a canine Olympian


If he could, I know he’d say

Just relax Daddy and don’t stress

Have a cookie with Satuit

Wag more, bark less


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023