
\\\\\\\"Bad Voices\\\\\\\"

Bad Voices

(Tom Entrican 10/2/18)


The voices say yes then the voices say no

Tell me what to think and where I should go

Say who I should like and who to avoid

They all talk so loud that I just get annoyed


I have no ideas so the voices lead on

They’ve chiseled my mind till all of it’s gone

They lead to the left and then to right

Fill my mind with worthless thoughts through the night


Don’t think they have my best interests in mind

‘Cause they make me do stupid things all the time

When I take control my ideas they just toss

My own sense of me has been totally lost


The least they could do is help me find my shoes

Instead of useless thoughts like orange flavored glue

Don’t make me drill twenty peep holes in my door

Give me some good stock tips so I won’t be poor


They should not keep saying roll down the stairs

Stop making me carve those bad words in my hair

If the voices in there don’t start treating me kind

I’ll take that pink pill that drives them from my mind