
The Consequences Of Sniffing Glue

A teenage boy decided to sniff some glue.
It was a dangerous and stupid thing to do.
That boy sniffed the glue because he wanted to get high.
He wouldn\'t have done it if he had known he would die.
The boy was taken to the hospital but it was too late.
The glue killed him and it was a sad and tragic fate.
The doctor told his parents to hurry up and talk to him if they had any last words to say.
They said goodbye to their beloved son and then he passed away.
Even though the doctor tried, he couldn\'t be saved.
He wanted to get high and he ended up in his grave.
I wish this poem could be fictional but I\'m sorry to say that it\'s true.
He lost his life and you may die as well if you decide to sniff glue.