David Wakeling

The last words of Amber Watson

The recorded message left by Amber Watson, aged 47,
She was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head.

Oh god of the green fields and flowers,
Am I less than grass.
Do you take care of trees and birds better than
you take care of  me.
You know everything but you do nothing.
You see all but you do nothing.

Oh Saviour of our enslavement, free me,
and take me to a better place.

My son was only 5 when he contracted Covid 19.
Did you know that?
I wasn’t allowed to see him.
They said I might catch the disease myself.
I had to watch him die through a glass window.
He was terrified as he gasped for his last breathe.
His little hands once so strong curled up and fell to his side.
His beautiful blue eyes closed forever.

I pray dear God but I don’t expect you to do anything.
You let my son die, just like you let so many others suffer.

I am tired, dear Lord, I am so bloody tired.
I want to say goodnight to this world of darkness and treachery.