Accidental Poet

To Bling or Not to Bling

The attraction that pulls

Upon stardom chasing souls

Some even make it big

Around their neck, chains of gold


Everything that glitters

Fascination for the eyes

Clothes that sparkle

Rings twinkling like stars in the skies


Why I’m not attracted

To this popular thing

Maybe a generation craze

I’m too old for all that bling


Call me old school

Not an “in your face” type

I tend to keep it simple

And not follow all the hype


I don’t need all the flash

The attention and stares

Long as my dog’s tail wags

I know for me he cares


So, all the more bling for you

If that’s what flips your switch

For everyone has it

A need to scratch an itch


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023