
Plagiarism of Hermes

We steal our words from a primal source

existing before utterances took their course

Forgotten in faded mists of history,

echoed in our own crib side infancy,

is lost the frustration and isolation

that comes with no means of communication


Imprisoned in the primeval dark,

we search for a light, a verbal spark

At first we cry, a groan, a moan,

to let others know they\'re not alone

We desperately search for a means to thresh

out our emotions, buried in flesh


With a gasping, grasping, groping attempt,

to express hunger, love or contempt,

a shaping of noises is expressed

to spit out what\'s deep inside our chest

There\'s a burning thirst for understanding,

but confusion, is comprehension\'s river damming


With guttural grunts we flail around

to breath a thought into a sound

Yet no clamor conveys the feeling inside,

transmission of peace or hate to describe

So we imitate sounds that others make,

butchering feelings and emotions that are fake


Tired of all our verbal philandering

we\'re made a prisoner of misunderstanding

Until out of desperation we reach audibly

to vomit an unintelligible cacophony

A volcanic force in convulsive spasms

spontaneously erupts in vocal orgasms


All words stolen, from their inventor

All thoughts plagiarized, the ideas of a mentor

That\'s our feeble human attempt,

internal experiences in poems to vent

Words created and looted now abound

to put nature\'s mysteries into a sound