
A Fantasia for the city of Cordoba


                          To Emily 


An arch tightens 

in the distance

brimming with strings of fire 

which bind word by word 

                  like hooks 

                  biting red


I go up like balloons 

to the sun\'s swarm 

with a honey lollipop

                  and I spread it\'s drops 

                  over a rhythm of columns 


you laugh a white dove 


and stone mourns

water on water: 


 a rain of coins 


we eat oranges, in the patio, 

between the tiles 

a guitar sings blue 

when my wet hand rolls

all over your dress


a woman is crying daffodils 

I pick and gather some 

to lay on your breath

as in a splintered swing  


walking the Jewish neighborhood

is like stepping on a ghost

while the scent of tea 

lingers in your hair

and a moon of salt 

hits and hits against the walls 


your eyes are happy

overflowing green 


like lemonade 


always my dark song 

turns the cypress trees 


Everything is a plastic straw spinning  in the wind.