
WHY AM I STILL ALIVE by Abby Rose Wise

All I feel is pain.
I don\'t know why I am still alive.
All I want to be is alone.
I ask myself a lot of questions.
Why am I still alive?
I hate feeling like I am a disappointment.
Tired of feeling a mistake.
I am especially tired of making people disappointed.
I can\'t handle life anymore.
Why am I still alive?
I just want to be okay.
I just want to be happy.
Why do I have to feel this way?
Why can\'t I be gone?
O why am I still alive?
No one needs me.
I certainly don\'t need them.
I am just a disappointment.
Can\'t I be perfect like everybody else?
Why am I still alive in this damn world?
I just want to escape.
I want to find peace.
Mabe\'s death is peaceful.
Maybe nobody will notice that I am gone.
Maybe nobody will miss me if I am Gone.
Why am I such a fucking mistake.
I just want to go and have no pain.
I want to be okay.
Why can\'t nobody love me?
Why am I so unloved?
Why am I such a disappointment?
All I want is someone to love me.
All I want is not to be a nobody.
I just want to be okay.
Can\'t I have that?
I just want to have people understand me.
I don\'t want to be alone.
I don\'t want to feel like I am a mistake.
I don\'t want people to feel disappointed in me.
Nobody will understand my pain.
Maybe death is the answer.
I won\'t be suffering anymore.
I just want help but nobody gives it.
I just want to be loved.
I just want to be somebody.

I don\'t want to be fat.

I don\'t want to be bullied.

I just want to go.

My only and only question.
That can never be answered.
Why am I still alive?