
This is not a body now

This is not a body now

It doesn\'t know me

By the way of pride and sin

It\'s where l and you, we spin

This is just a skin 

Like a dried leaf in a shallow wood

This is just a lie ghost, it doesn\'t have sight

Nothing belongs to as light 

Outer calls it graveyard where there isn\'t sight of morrow

But place where, you view carcasses of sorrow 

This\' yell of shame to hell 

And a tiny desire that sells destiny 

Sweet melodies that fell and wait for the bell 

It\'s waitin\' for a last say;

which soon comes in day 

I know, it\'s what scriptures blow

To one who hears, it\'s a flow 

Is skin a witness across sky 

I don\'t, since some deny 

We\'re afraid! fear of pain;

And you and l, are shell of grain in vain 

Amazingly, we all cry for salvation 

Perhaps after pain you call for forgiveness 

Then if so, above has mercy for weighness

May he paints our way for heaven if there\'s a salvation