
black hole (old one from years ago)

Black holes are exploded stars

Sucking everything in

No matter how hard you try to escape

Its seems you never win

They have had enough

Of the airs brutal breeze

So they cry and they puff and they lie and they huff

Until they fall on their knees

It may seem abrupt

And come out of thin air

But if you really look closely

You see a hole forming there

That expands and expands

Until there is nothing left

No light, everything bright

Sucked away

Hanging in space

Bleeding out all the life

It steels all of it

Until there is none

Everything gone

We can give them more light

But it just disappears

As the hole has been getting bigger

Over all these years

All the little signs

The small little clues

Leading to this grievance

This disaster

This problem

That never seems to be fully solved

More light, more light!

They feed some more in

But it only lasts so long

Until it is engulfed within

The planets spun their rounds

And the comets flew away

And the star kept shining bright

Until that fateful day

Where all the rot is exposed

That has been held in

By fake glowing

All while knowing

This will never end

So, spare me great moon

The “how are you”s of that kind

For you were aware

And never seemed to care

Of what’s been taking up my mind

I have fallen to the black hole

Like I told you I will

If you had just stopped spinning

Like I needed you to

If you had just listened

Like I screamed you never did

If you had just cared

Like I said no one could

Then this all wouldn’t of happened

Like I told you it would

And now it has

So spare me the surprised gasps

And the “Are you ok”s 

Because you knew it was likely

You knew that one day

You’re fake reality

Would come to a cease

Just like my glowing

The star is deceased

You knew that soon

The black hole would reveal itself

In all of its destroying glory

And leave me and the broken star here

Telling this sad, sorrowful, starry story