
Brushing my Teeth

I used to brush my teeth, 2 times a day, but now I can only manage one. I’ve somehow gone and slipped through the cracks, I no longer recognise


Recognise this girl in the mirror, faded light, buildings of anger, I’ve lost all the might to live, so I chose to surrender.


Growing up, he said “it’s the only identifiable bone if you die, don’t let them rot” yet here they lie, dashed in yellow.


The whole lot of my smile died inside and out, yet, here’s me, trying to put out dotted smiles here and there. Trying to seem lively, looking like i care about myself.


Everyday was a new adventure, everything a new light, everyone attempting to be polite, although their lie spreads like wildfire. Everywhere sat a beautiful sight that I will no longer see, drenched in fiery embers, and flamed like a bonfire.


The world is dashed in amber, just like my teeth, but I try to hide behind this shimmering coat of armour, that’s, now, all corroded


But I don’t get out of bed anymore, the only view of the corrupting world waves at me through my window.

I sit here, rotting like my teeth

The once gleaming white bone, soon turned burnt with shame.


Although, There is no one to blame but myself in this mess, hair matted, eyes sag, I used to be so much, now I’m less of the person I once was.


Door locked, window shut, eyes closed, breathing soot. Staring at my teeth. Wishing they were the white pearls seen on TV. Wishing my fat would soon turn skinny. Wishing that I’d get clean but I sit here, corroding on this bed, filthy.


Keep them white, keep on smiling, get through the pain as if you’re dying. As my dad always said, “the teeth can tell you your identity, just keep them clean” it’s not worth breaking down your integrity.


Brush your teeth 2 times a day, don’t sit and expire like me, listen to what my dad says, listen to me. Soon enough, it may save your life,

my burnt-amber smile can help with your strife, this rust is not your fate. Listen to me, my darling, brush them twice, don’t leave it too late.