

The sky is blue and my head is too, but not like the blue sky lighting up the day, the blue i feel is much different. Its the type of blue that constantly makes you question your existence and you are so mentally tired that it turns into physical exhaustion to the point where you find yourself not being able to keep yourself awake. Youre constantly falling asleep in school and if your not asleep youre most likely skipping class because you are so drained to the point where being in class just stresses you out. But where can you go? being home is an escape from school but then again schools an escape from home. But no matter where you are you are so stressed out. you either drink or smoke your problems away but once you get caught everyones too busy yelling at you instead of realizing you are falling off the edge. Youre too busy being the therapist to everyone that you arent even able to realize you are losing your own self. All of the signs are there but still nobodys noticing, Why?