
The Hill Of Life.

I rest as I near the top of the hill,

And look back down to the long path behind me.

I start remembering those things that occurred

Whilst climbing to this height.

At the bottom the childhood days

Where every day was a delight,

Nothing to worry me,

Mum and Dad always there for me,

My friends close by.

The battles we fought

Against the cowboys or Indians.

The sword fights where I was d’Artagnan,

And always won.

The gentle stroll upwards towards youth.

The wonders of first love,

And its disappointments.

Further up the hill

The path started to get steeper

As work takes over my life.

A time of new adventures,

And responsibility.

I reached a plateau

Where I stopped and fell in love,

That love is still walking beside me

As we climb this hill.

Sometimes the path has been rocky,

But those boulders soon became pebbles

As I strode over them.

I came lovingly into retirement

And looking back I find

Life has been good.

The beauty that I have seen

While ascending this hill

Remains with me.

My love, of course, always there for me.

But my love of nature,

Of words,

Of art,

And of course music are still there.

Music has been with me all of my life,

From those days with my father,

Listening to music on the gramophone.

All type of music enjoyed

Thanks to his eclectic taste,

Which has grown fruit

Within my life.

I get up and continue the climb

Knowing that the path behind me

Has been good to me,

And the shorter path ahead

Will be full of wonder.