
Dear Sister By Abby Rose Wise

You are always there.

Always comfort me.

I can\'t imagine you gone.

I can\'t imagine living a life without you.

You bring life into this world.

You are my sunshine.

If your gone, I don\'t know what I would do.

You and I are just alike.

We want what\'s best for each other.

We are always there for each other.

Just so you know, I\'m not going anywhere.

If I do go somewhere, I\'ll still think of you.

After all you are my sister.

Christine, I love you so much.

I sometimes don\'t show it, but I do.

Everybody has odd ways of showing how we love each other.

I love you.

I love your smile.

I love your laugh.

You are beautiful even when you don\'t think you are.

You try your best in things.

I am so glad to have a sister like you.

I love you Christine.