Accidental Poet

In Heaven, There’s a New Star

I knew the day would come

When one of my heroes would fall

From the mountain of music he built

 Mr. Gordon Lightfoot sang them all


Acoustic guitar melodies

And velvet voice that serenades

Lyrics to hold your ears

A minstrel story teller by trade


A top shelf singer

Professional song writer

Master musician

Makes for a hit song rider


He’d pull upon hearts

Singing of romance

With guitar in hand

He’ll help your heart to dance


He felt the pain of tragedy  

In every word of sorrow

To remember those we’ve lost

Respect them for all your tomorrows


He cared more for others

Than he did for himself

In his fashion

His modest hidden wealth


I know I’ll miss his voice

And his acoustic guitar

But I also know

In Heaven, there’s a new star


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023

RIP Gordon Lightfoot