

I feel so lost

I wanna cry

But I can\'t

I wish I could scream

Let out all my rage 

But I can\'t

I hold it in 

But 14 years of trauma is a lot 

I\'m trynna be cool \'bout it 

But I\'m getting desperate

Taking wrong turns

Hurting myself

Bleeding at night

But I don\'t cry 

I just let the pain flow

I wish I could speak 

But my mouth is paralyzed

My mind whispers & talks what can\'t be said out loud

It\'s driving me crazy not to speak

To not express myself

To say that I hate myself

& anyone who abused of me

Who treated me like an object of pleasure

That I can\'t love anymore

That I\'m too afraid to show emotion

I can\'t stop bleeding

I can\'t tell you what I\'m doing

But my skin shows it

I\'m scattered

I find myself lost in the darkest places

Maybe one day I\'ll escape 

But for now, i\'m stuck

For now, I can\'t anymore

I\'m sorry