Bobby O

MISSED TAKES (0riginal version)

MISSED TAKES 1st version
So I\'ve been trying to write a story,
But it turned into a song
There\'s no villain
No  Hero\'s Glory
In this tale they don\'t belong  
No dramatic pause
No twists. No turns 
No lessons to be
But I have to sing cuz my writings blurry cuz
I\'ve been crying all night long
Trying to write this story, and it turned into a song. 

Surely, The plot already you surmise, cue nary a violin to announce cliche’
No mystery here and no surprise 
I spoke those words, the ones I’d sworn I’d never say
It didn’t twist , It didn’t turn , no lesson learned , She got her way 
So I was wrong , There is a villain in this story 
Complete with lyrics that don’t belong
Writing not of Heroes Glory
At Least I turned it all , into a song   