
generational healing

war, hunger and a thirst for freedom.

a battle lasting centuries in which blood was shed

and fears were made reality.


cries of sorrow echoed green valleys,

families forced from their homes.

yet a mutual thirst for freedom 

kept hearts from growing cold 


a cultural decade where pain was felt

and aching hearts were inspired.

a movement that sent up-roaring chaos 

caused people to be indifferent


when shrapnel, bombs and guns

were a daily part of life.

children fought like adults

and people worked through their strife


a call for reform made people think

was Irelands call now?

thirty years of bloodshed and violence 

this conflict ended now


April 10th 1998, the day the lord died

on Good Friday peace was made

healing started now.


a future in which people were seen

and equality was real.

no blood, no guns, no pain, no harm

generations would be healed.


war, hunger and a thirst for freedom

still lives in those today.

but a chance for a new beginning

keeps violent thoughts at bay.