Joakim Bergen


Twas long ago;

I chanced upon her Majesty,

When I was but a sailor,

And she the ocean\'s Queen.


With eyes of serpentine 

And hair of em\'rald greene,

To me did she sing,

Sweet sister Lorelei.


Her voice could calm the sea

And still the Moon upon the sky,

Even after all these years

I see her in my mind;


Ocean queen, born of sorrow,

With seashell in her hand;

She was destined to rule the sea,

Despised by all the land.


She would comb her hair

Under moonlight\'s veil,

With hands that did play

Until the rooster\'s cry.


Lorelei was her name,

A maiden of the deep.


With hair of em\'rald greene,

She was the ocean Queen.


With eyes of serpentine

She would lock with mine;

Her beauty beyond compare,

Her voice would lure me close

Untill I was but a bloated corpse

Beneath the ocean stone.