
Disgust & Beauty

I was wandering in a moonlit night 

Enjoying the full moon\'s beauty 

And starry sky

Suddenly a foul smell entered in my body

 felt a strange discomfort

After two-three steps 

I saw a corpse 

Covered in blood

Someone badly bruised his head

The breathless body was lying on the road 

People were passing by it\'s side 

With hatred,anger, irritation 

And sarcastic sympathy 

murmuring \"eww disgusting\"

        \" Poor dog\" 



I again started wandering 

After few steps

I stopped again

As a body was lying on the road

A newborn puppy in his mother\'s lap 

Sleeping peacefully

People were again passing by them 

But this time,

Not with discomfort but comfort 

Not with sarcastic sympathy but gentle smile 

Not with hatred but pure love 

Not with \"eww disgusting\" \"poor dog\" 

But with \"how beautiful\" \"cute puppy\"