
Smaller than Wanted

Self-doubt has become a comfortable home

Here, the whispers make my acquaintance 


The words, a symbolic mirror

Reflection, reflection, pallor and shamed


Of modest in stature, still more in hang

In wealth and in manhood

Inadequacy my stamp


It throbs and it fills, but less than required

Of tail so small, my esteem grows tired


These feelings, this pain

Is it me or them? 

I can\'t change my appendage, still I incur blame


The ridicule, the smirks

The pretense, the pose

The posture, paranoia

Within blush I am froze


Intimacy. The most basic of pleasures

A dialogue, spoken by bodies of which mine is mute


Is this them, or is this I? 

Your smile speaks a falsehood 

Revealed by eye


Not manly enough but too manly to say

I hate me, I hate me as long as the day