


             SOMEDAYS I\'M BROKEN 

I disguise it way better then I show it; discomfort is second nature, my jubilation is always below it. 

Tears within a broken heart drowning in sorrow; I lack joyful days and have no better tomorrows. 

I\'m lost I\'m foolish I search and I wonder; I have a appetite for life, but without meaning life just slumbers. 

The smiles on my face are not real, I wear them for show; Emotionally I stay bottled up, my dreams will never grow. 

I walk alone although I am surrounded by many;They know not of my depression worries or frenzies. 

How my loses swallows most of my gains; How hard it is to feel free, when all you maintain is pain. 

Over it all I keep my faith because I know I\'m blessed;What good are trail and tribulations, if you not going to take the test. 

             I\'M NEVER THAT BROKEN