
Coronation Kiss

There it was in all its grandeur

The before - during - and after

Of the Coronation


Then a moment - Prince William

Pledges his allegiance to the King, his father

And a kiss to Charles in all his regalia


It happened in 1953 too

Prince Philip gave Queen Elizabeth a kiss

Maybe a formality?

Maybe sentimentality?

But a poignancy, a sensitivity

A sort of representative pledging


Princess Anne on a horse still

At age 72.........

.......Say no more about the Markles

And Harry dashing back to USA

Though he is Charles\' son too


Royalist or not

Protestant or not

Patriotic or not

(included in the Service, that it would be maintained)

One can\'t help noticing

The pageant, the procession, the glory of the day

Not seen in any one\'s life time in person

Who is under age 70 in the UK.


Plus - the Hymn

\'Christ is made the sure foundation\'

To the tune \'Westminster Abbey\'

Sung in the abbey itself!


Fido was in the crowd with me

He met Seamus, an Irish Wolfhound

One of the mascots of a regiment.