Peter Gates

A Wish for Animals

Three animals raped a beautiful, young friend of mine the other day. 

They knew not what they did while with her they had their way.

She recently had an operation for uterine cysts, five weeks to the day.

She bled, and bled, and bled, and bled. They almost took her life away.

Through His gift of modern medicine, the docs kept the grim reaper at bay.

They were not apprehended. They escaped. They were not made to pay.

As the animals they were, without a conscience or care as they had their way,

They left her, offered no care, laughed, cared not and did not deign to stay.

As retribution for their actions, I wish He grant them the gift of humanity today.

Grant them a conscience, and constant sorrow, constant tears, make them lay

Sleepless, tortured by the memory of what they did to another human that day.

Grant them long, endlessly restless lives. Grant them no respite. For that I pray.