
You\'re a Masterpiece

Every night, I lie in bed,
With a thousands of thoughts, in my head.
I wish to sleep, like a normal person,
but its the insomnia, that gets worsen.

It\'s not sleep, that\'s my arch enemy,
But the people, who brought me to this misery.
Girl, your trauma has lasted for years,
Yet, you remain strong and shed no tears.

I won\'t lie and say it all ends here,
But these experiences, make you stronger, dear.
Every time you fall, your weakness is put under pressure,
And that\'s how you\'re transformed into a diamond, a treasure.

Becoming a powerful person, takes a powerful process,
And the first step, is changing your perception to progress.
Believe me, it\'s all in your head,
You\'re not ugly, you\'re beautiful instead.

You\'re not defined, by looks or height
It\'s your character and kindness, that shine so bright.
You may not win Miss World, it\'s true
But you\'re more than a title, you\'re YOU.

You\'re much more than any beauty queen,
Your ability to see beyond looks, makes you Serene.
Your thoughts and opinions may seem absurd to some,
But they come from a place of, personal wisdom.

The world needs your voice, your perspective, and your light,
So don\'t ever give up, or lose sight on what\'s right.
Keep shining, keep fighting, and keep moving ahead,
You\'re a Masterpiece, perfectly flawed, wholly divine and a one of a kind.