
Over- seas

There goes that breeze
It blows so strong
There is unease all around
Sailing over seas
Travelling to the unknown
How far away we\'ve come
From our beautiful homes
A different time
What will we find
Who\'ll be there waiting
Will there welcome us in

We rise over waves
Terrified but not fazed
Wanting to get to that other place
Our battled ground faces replacing the traces
Of anguish and fear
The world feels so small
To hell with it all
Will tomorrow be just like today
Life\'s like a maze
Time has no hour
No day or no night
It\'s taken our power
Yet we go on
Finding our way,
to a beautiful day

The rocking of the boat
Briings fear to our throats
We look to the sky
Stars shinning so bright
Offerings some light
While the moon disappears
We\'re terrified but not fazed

There\'s a ringing in the air
A child left by its mother
No space on the vast ocean
To carry another
On a boat so small
It\'ll perish with us all
But yet we push on
Hoping to be reborn
To start a new life
In a world of unknowns
We\'re scared but look forward to
A beautiful day

No bombs no grenades
No shelters at nights
No snipers or rations
Missing limbs with no fight
No derelict buildings
No more screams filled with fear
Reminders of war of why we were there
Nothing to take our sons from our arms
force husbands and fathers to abandon loved ones
Making widows of mothers and sisters  and aunts
Causing stories to be told of heartbreaks, we can\'t,
Rejected alone,
we cling on and hang on
While we hope and we pray
We\'ll meet that beautiful day.